Fanfic Contest: Show us your silver hands!


Hidden Grove Extra is launching its first ever competition.  For fan fiction.  Yes, some authors hate fan fiction, but I started my adult writing career with fanfics (which are still being read and enjoyed by new readers) and I happen to think fan fiction is rather wonderful.  What more natural response to a story you love can there be than to become totally immersed and creatively involved in the plot yourself? So, the challenge is: can you write a fan fiction based on Silver Hands?  It can be any length, from a simple oneshot to an epic with chapters, but you only have 2 months to do it, and it must be posted on a reputable fan fiction site, such as  Share the link in the comments box below, and I will choose a winner after 31st October.  The winner will receive a signed, limited edition postcard featuring my flash fiction, "Laputa Sends Out the Fleet", and will be receive honourable mention on this blog and across my social media.  Simples!

So, to recap:

1.  Read Silver Hands.  (Obviously!)
2.  Write your fan fiction of any length based upon it.  (Fan poems also count).
3.  Post it on a reputable site. is ideal.
4.  Share the link in the comments box below, before 31st October 2013.
5.  Stand back and wait to see if you've won!

(Gratuitous sex, violence and swearing, racism, sexism etc. will be disqualified.)

The winner will need to provide me with an address to post the prize, but that will be arranged privately.  Good luck! 


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