Handless Maidens

Just recently, I read Flame of Sevenwaters by my all-time favourite author, Juliet Marillier . Juliet is the writer I look up to most in my own work. She has been very helpful with Silver Hands , giving it a great review on the Top Hat Books site . When Silver Hands came out, I sent her a copy and she sent me a lovely card, promising to read it. So it was strange to think that we might both be reading each other's works at the same time, especially as both were about a girl without the use of her hands. This wasn't deliberate. Although I am a big fan of Juliet, and Silver Hands is in some ways inspired by her writing, I didn't know she was also going to be writing about a handless maiden. It's interesting to make some comparisons. (Warning: possibly spoilers). Juliet's Maeve hasn't lost her hands completely, but has had them burned in a fire as a child, so they are scarred and immobile. She faces some of the same challenges as Marg...