Fairy Tale Blog Hop: The Handless Maiden

Welcome to the 2018 Fairy-tale Blog Hop. Thirteen fabulous fairy-tale authors have gotten together to talk about their favorite fairy tales. Follow the links at the bottom of each blog post to hop to the next author's website. Collect our favorite numbers to total up at the end and enter to win a print collection of our books! (There are several anthologies, debuts, and even an ARC for a BLINK YA book you can't buy in stores yet!) Dates: Contest runs from Friday, June 22 to Friday, June 29 with a wrap-up party at 7:00 EST . (details to come) Note: The grand prize winner will be contacted on Saturday. They have three days to confirm and send their address before the prize is offered to the next person. It's been five years since the publication of my historical fantasy novel Silver Hands . It's based on "The Handless Maiden" (also known as "The Armless Maiden" or "The Girl Without Hands"), one of the fairy tales recorded an...