Three Magi, Three Marys

It's Easter, the happiest time of the church year. And I've discovered a lovely correlation between the traditional Three Magi of Christmas and the traditional Three Marys of Easter. It makes for a beautiful balance, particularly in Matthew's Gospel, where the story of the Magi is recorded. The Three Magi... Came from the east Brought incense and myrrh "Where is the boy born King of the Jews?" Went to the wrong place first (Jerusalem) Real answer was in Bethlehem, "for this is what the prophet has written" "When they saw the star, they were overjoyed" Bowed down and worshipped him Sent back to their country by another route The Three Marys... Came at sunrise (east) Brought myrrh and spices "Tell me where you have put him" "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here" Real answer had been foretold by Jesus. "Remember how he told you..." They were "afraid yet fil...